Friday, March 27, 2009

Coming Out

Perspective: (Lilith)

Xenith came out to his immediately family some years ago. However, with this dynamic being completely new in my life, the thought of coming out to my family was daunting, not because I felt I wouldn't receive support, but rather because it is a difficult life decision to explain.

Recently I called my Mother simply to talk about life and the many aspects of it when I found myself feeling compelled to discuss our new relationship dynamic with my Mother. Of course, my Mother has intense intuition and called me out on the fact that I was hedging around something important.

Ah, Moms...

I hadn't prepared for this in any way shape and/or form, so my explanation started out as a rant of sorts, evolved into a civil rights discussion, and ended with a, "Mom... I'm not monogamous..."

It took a while to explain that within the context of Polyamory, the relationships created are as diverse as the people who create them, leaving the possibilities infinite.

Surprisingly enough, she expressed to me that while she chooses not to live a similar lifestyle as me, she supports XenitH and I %100.

At this point in the conversation my mouth was dropped wide open and I found myself speechless.

We laughed, joked, and bonded even deeper than before.

I must admit that I feel extremely blessed and grateful to have such a wonderful Mother in my life.
