Friday, December 18, 2009


(Perspective): Lilith

For a period in time, humanity disconnected themselves not only from nature and other human beings, but also themselves, which resulted in a situation where individuals believed that material possezsions would bring them happiness, thus they replaced human interaction with consumerism.

However, if one pays close attention to society, it will become quite clear that a collective shift is taking place; one that brings us full circle to where we began.

We once, as a race, used to rely on not solely on our own individual actions, but rather the actions of our tribes as a whole for companionship, love, food, clothing, shelter, wisdom, and so on.

Once again, humanity is yearning to be connected in ways we have never longed for, thus the pang is not only intense, but to some disturbing, disorienting, and extremely confusing.

We find ourselves hoping for a compliment, recognition, validation, and even praise.

Does this mean we have reduced ourselves to pathetic, self-centered, egotistical, blobs pining over the chance to receive attention?

No, quite the contrary.

It seems to me as though we have subconsciously come to realize our dire mistake, and are finding anyway possible to fill the void we have created over time.

Every living being requires love and this is something our world has sorely lacked, but now is beginning to flourish.

Polyamory can greatly aide us on our journey to rediscover love and I believe this is why it has become quite the topic of discussion lately.

I truly feel as though we have finally realized what we heal our dying world.