Monday, November 9, 2009

Mental Note: Something is different...

Perspective: (Lilith)

It's interesting to examine my thoughts and notice that my daily perspective is radically changing in regard to personal relationships.

For example, when I hear clearly monogamous songs with lyrical content such as "We'd be perfect for each other and we'd never need another," I find myself experiencing a myriad of emotions ranging anywhere from annoyance to confusion while wondering if anyone in close proximity is thinking anything remotely close to me.

When I idly people watch during moments of mental wandering, I become curious as to whether or not they are in a relationship, the state of the relationship, whether or not they have considered opening their dynamic, and if they are practicing an alternative dynamic already.

When I hear the words significant other, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance, husband, and wife, I want to tack on an extra 's' at the end of them all due to increasingly occurring fantasies of everyone being in one, huge, happy tribe.

*Sings* Oh the times they are a' chaaaangin'.....